Industry News

Graphite Alliance 2023-11-04 16:58 Published in ShanghaiRecently, the Ministry of Commerce of China has optimized and adjusted the temporary export control measures for graphite-related products, further standardizing the export of graphite materials and their products.A reporter from "China
2023/11/11 08:33
Recently, the Ministry of Commerce of China, together with the General Administration of Customs, issued an announcement on optimizing and adjusting the temporary export control measures for graphite items, announcing that they will decide to implement the Ministry of Commerce, the State Commission
2023/11/03 09:37
The Ministry of Commerce and the General Administration of Customs issued the Announcement on Optimizing and Adjusting Temporary Export Control Measures for Graphite Items. In accordance with relevant provisions, in order to safeguard national security and interests, with the approval of The State
2023/10/25 17:11
1. Hot metal carburization technology can add graphite nuclei in the smelting process, in the electric furnace. The addition of silicon carbide in cupola smelting can also increase the length of graphite nuclei in hot metal and reduce the oxidation of hot metal.2. Carbonization is a measure to
2023/10/10 13:52
The development of science and technology to today, without doing experiments, it has been theoretically proved that lithium metal is the most ideal anode material for the lithium battery industry.In view of the fact that the problem of dendrites easily generated during the use of lithium metal has
2023/09/22 17:54
Main contents of investor relations activities1. Industry situation of the companyReply: The company is mainly engaged in the research and development, production and sales of negative electrode materials, positive electrode materials and advanced new materials for lithium-ion batteries, which are
2023/09/22 17:53
Graphitized petroleum coke (GPC) is a crucial raw material in various industries, particularly in the production of carbon and graphite products. Here are some potential news topics or areas related to graphitized petroleum coke:Price Trends: News about fluctuations in the price of GPC can impact
2023/09/11 18:08
needle coke was primarily associated with the production of graphite electrodes for electric arc furnaces and had been in the news for its role in the steel industry and related applications. However, there may have been new developments or news related to needle coke since then. Here are some
2023/09/11 18:08
Ferrosilicon is an alloy of iron and silicon, often used in various industrial applications, particularly in the steel and metallurgical industries. Some potential news topics related to ferrosilicon might include:Price Fluctuations: News about fluctuations in the price of ferrosilicon can impact
2023/09/11 18:08
Affected by the decline in the negative electrode material market, Shangtai Technology (001301.SZ) net profit in the first half of the same and the quarter fell.Shangtai Technology today announced the 2023 semi-annual report, the company's first-half operating income of 1.967 billion yuan, down 10.
2023/09/04 16:19
The main product of the 100,000 tons negative electrode material project in Lanzhou is negative electrode material, which is one of the key strategic products in the future. At present, the company has laid out three production bases in the field of negative electrode materials, of which two have
2023/08/29 11:55
On August 28, the city held an annual output of 300,000 tons of silicon carbon anode material research and development and production project in Ankang High-tech Zone. Mayor Wang Hao announced the start of the project. Luo Wuxia, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Municipal Committee and
2023/08/29 11:52